Rimage DiscFlow has been replaced by WebQD, which is included with the Rimage Software Suite. WebQD extends primary functionality of QuickDisc to any computer (Mac or PC) with network access to the Rimage system and a web browser.
Rimage DiscFlow Software for MAC Users
Download the DiscFlow for Mac Brochure here

Version 2.0 Upgrade includes:
- Copy Disc - Simple single disc copy utility
- Disc Spanning - For burning content over multiple discs
- Watchfolder support - For unattended disc production
- Pre-mastering
- Direct Knowledge Base Link
With Rimage DiscFlow, digital content producers can:
- Create one or many DVD test discs, dailies, pre-screeners or promos in house, manually or automatically, without tying up editors or producers with time-consuming disc burning tasks.
- Protect digital content with Rimage Video Protect, a powerful application that inhibits ripping and disc copying software. Content producers can protect revenue and distribution plans without changing workflow processes or compromising deadlines.
- Eliminate the expense and hassle of outsourcing disc production, while adding valuable services and creating new revenue streams by offering impressive photorealistic printed DVDs and CDs to customers.
Rimage DiscFlow is the latest addition to the Producer Software Suite that is included with Rimage Professional and Producer disc publishing systems. DiscFlow is comparable to QuickDisc(tm), the Rimage Windows(R) client. The DiscFlow client can be installed on an unlimited number of Macintosh computers on the network. In addition, the browser-based WebRSM is provided to give Macintosh users instant job and system monitoring information while also providing consumable and queue status.
Adobe video blogger Dave Helmly shows you how to build a Blu-ray disc using Adobe Encore and Rimage's native Mac client, DiscFlow. Dave walks you through building the Blu-ray using Adobe Encore and Rimage's Kevin Gramer then takes you through using the Rimage software. Kevin's DiscFlow presentation starts at the 4:55 mark.